Wednesday, September 19, 2018

First Blog!

Hi! If you saw my post awhile ago then, welcome back! I’m very exited about this, so let’s get into this. I wanted my first blog to be about a book I have read so as I said before blog starting in 3..2..1..

“Wow this book if great!” Is what I said when I read the book “Hate Mail” for the first time and let me tell you! I LOVED it! This book if about this boy that has a cousin with autism, and a horrible person wrote a unfriendly message directed to Todd (the cousin) and Todd’s family had to hide the secret about the message. While Jordie (the narrator) his to struggle with trying to make sure no buddy figures out that they are related. And at the end it was so... nope! Don’t even try to get it out of me! You will just have to read it on your own! Hope you enjoyed my blog! Bye!